"SEO: The Movie" to Debut June 20th, 2017
The movie features key Internet marketing players, the history of search engine optimization and more. San Diego, CA, June 01, 2017 --( PR.com )-- Upcoming documentary, SEO: The Movie , will make its debut June 20, 2017. The documentary features industry all-stars and explores the rise of the Internet marketing industry. It covers the early days of SEO when people were “spamming and jamming,” affiliates vs. mainstream, black hat vs. white hat, along with the unique and often rocky stories of the industry’s pioneers, the history of Google updates, how Matt Cutts changed the industry, and provides a forecast on where the future of SEO is going from the industry’s top minds. Produced and directed by John Lincoln, CEO of Ignite Visibility , the film was created for a good reason. “There are so many people who have contributed to the field of SEO,” comments Lincoln. “I have tremendous respect for the pioneers of the industry and those still contributing toda...